Welcome to the FAQ page of iDEAL in3, your reliable partner for secure and easy payments in three instalments, without interest or hidden fees. Whether you are hearing about iDEAL in3 for the first time or are already familiar with our service, we understand that you may have questions about how it works, the benefits, and how you can use it for your online purchases. Here, you will find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

iDEAL in3 for consumers

What is iDEAL in3?

in3 collaborates with iDEAL. This allows you to pay for your orders in three equal installments, interest-free, using our new payment method iDEAL in3. iDEAL in3 is a separate payment method available at the checkout of a webshop.

iDEAL in3 is available at many webshops, but not everywhere yet. If you don’t see it as a payment option, ask the webshop if they can add iDEAL in3.

How does iDEAL in3 work?

At checkout, choose iDEAL in3. A credit check is performed within a split second. After approval, you immediately pay the first installment, which is equal to one-third of the purchase amount, via iDEAL. You will then receive a reminder to make the second payment within 30 days and the final installment within 60 days—all without any additional costs!

What are the payment terms at iDEAL in3?

You can find the payment terms for iDEAL in3 here.

What happens if I pay late?

If you fail to pay both the second and third instalments, your case will be handed over to one of our debt collection partners (ACCS, Faircasso, or PAIR Finance) two weeks after the WIK email (Debt Collection Costs Act email) has been sent.

WIK stands for "Wet Incasso Kosten" (Debt Collection Costs Act). A WIK email or letter is a legally required final reminder sent before a case is transferred to a debt collection agency. This letter gives you an additional 14 days to settle your debt without incurring extra collection costs.

In this context, statutory collection costs of 15% of the outstanding amount may be charged, with a minimum of €40.

Does iDEAL in3 process personal data?

Yes, to offer our service, we need your personal data. You can learn more about this in our privacy statement.

Why do I get the message that I cannot pay with iDEAL in3?

Prior to payment, in3 does a data check. There may be various reasons why the payment fails. We will be happy to explain this to you over the phone or by e-mail.

Can I make payment arrangements or get a deferral for a payment to iDEAL in3?

No, unfortunately this is not possible. You must pay the amount before the due date(s).

What does spread payment with iDEAL in3 mean?

iDEAL in3 is the only spread payment method without interest or loan and BKR registration. You pay in three instalments within 60 days. You pay the first instalment directly via iDEAL. You pay the second instalment within 30 days and the third instalment again 30 days later.

Couldn't find the answer you were looking for? Contact our customer support.

iDEAL in3 for merchants

I am waiting for payment from iDEAL in3, when can I expect it?

We will refund the amount you paid, after confirmation of return/cancellation by the webshop, within 5 working days to the account number known to us.

What does spread payment with iDEAL in3 mean?

iDEAL in3 is the only spread payment method without interest or loan and BKR registration. You pay in three instalments within 60 days. You pay the first instalment directly via iDEAL. You pay the second instalment within 30 days and the third instalment again 30 days later.

What are the payment terms at iDEAL in3?

You can find the payment terms for iDEAL in3 here.

Couldn't find the answer to your question? Contact our merchant support department.