iDEAL Security
iDEAL is based on the mobile banking app and internet banking environment and uses the same security techniques. This means iDEAL is just as secure as internet and mobile banking.
Banks are constantly working on the security of online and mobile banking. You can also ensure you use online and mobile banking securely. And you certainly want to be sure you're accessing the genuine, well-secured website of your bank. The "safebanking.co.uk" website from the UK Banking Association clearly explains how to identify your bank's genuine website. There, you'll find explanations about the web address, the padlock symbol, and a secure connection when making an iDEAL payment. Check these points before you proceed with an iDEAL payment.
The iDEAL Payment Page
On the iDEAL payment page, you indicate which bank you wish to pay with. You are then redirected to your bank's environment to approve the payment.
The iDEAL payment page always has the following web address with a padlock: https://pay.ideal.nl. Only proceed with selecting your bank if you see this address at the top of the iDEAL page.
Know Who You're Paying
The description of the iDEAL payment always includes the name of the company you've paid. However, there may be times when you don't recognise the beneficiary's name because the company has outsourced its payment collections to a third party. Such an entity is often referred to as a Collecting Payment Service Provider (CPSP). The CPSP's name will also appear on your statement. For you, it makes no difference. Your payment reaches the intended company via the CPSP.
Safe Payment via Payment Link
If you receive a payment link with an iDEAL payment request, ensure you conduct the payment securely. Below are features to look out for.
How Do You Identify the Email?
* The sender's email address should match the company that sent you the email link, or a third-party acting on behalf of the company. This means that the details after the "@" must exactly match the company's website address. For example, if the email comes from payment@companyX.co.uk, the company's website address should be http://www.companyX.co.uk.
* The email should come from a company you're familiar with, which you've agreed can send you iDEAL link emails. If this isn't the case, contact the company in question to determine why you received this payment request email.
* The email will contain a hyperlink. Clicking on this link will automatically open your web browser to the company's website, or to a third-party payment service provider acting on behalf of the company. If it's the latter, the email will specify which entity this is.
What Does the Webpage Look Like?
On the landing webpage, you'll find clear features:
* A description of the product you've ordered or the service you've availed.
* The webpage is secure. Depending on your browser, you'll see features indicating the page's security. The URL always starts with https://. This assures you it's a secure site. All browsers allow you to verify if you're truly on the correct company's website.
* On the webpage, you can then choose your payment option.
* For certainty, ensure the beneficiary and amount on the payment summary match what you've agreed with the company.
Never Pay Twice
You can't pay via iDEAL if the payment period specified by the company has expired, nor if you've already paid the specific request via iDEAL. A reputable company will never allow you to pay the same payment request twice via an email link.
Safe Online Shopping
When purchasing products or services online, ensure you're dealing with trustworthy online shops and companies. Before buying, check the retailer or company's reliability. For instance, you can read other consumers' experiences on comparison sites. You can also use a Google search to see what's being said (in reviews) about an online shop. Also, review the police's list of known fraudulent traders and the check seller details page. Always follow this rule before making a purchase: if it seems too good to be true, don't do it.
It's good to know that special regulations apply to online shops, just as they do for brick-and-mortar stores. On the Consuwijzer website, you'll find practical advice about your rights when shopping online.